Chapter One :Chapter 1


  6 o'clock pm

  Sitting on the bed, I placed my laptop before me as I have been checking some stuffs online for hours now.

  I actually deals on buying and selling.

  I was about drifting to another site when I crossed path the photo of Kim at the news headline, Who died in a plane crash months back.

  My heart beat froze a moment, as those old moments came reverberating in my brains.

  I'll usually wake up to sweet voice singing in my head asking me to wake up.

  I'll usually wake up to see a beautiful woman but now all I see are biographical photos of her.

  "Stay safe for me Dawson cause I'm coming back soon for you"

  This was actually her last statement before traveling over seas, something that's suppose to be of hope but now, each time I remember that statement, I go wild.

  I felt my head aching real hard like I was gonna die, the pains was unbearable.

  I winced and angrily smashed the laptop against the wall.

  I tottered to my wardrobe looking for my Antitote syringe but I didn't find it.

  I only find my pack of cocaine.. so I took it out and sat on the floor.

  I poured it on the ground and started inhaling maybe its what my body needs right now.

  After sniffing for quite some time, it still wasn't helping so angrily I stood and vent my anger on my stuffs.

  My room had turned upside down when the door burst open.

  "What's going on here?" Mum gasped in shock and without further questioning, She rushes towards me as she have been Trying to stop me from destroying my stuffs.

  I was already bleeding cause I've hurt myself during the process.

  "Kim! Give Kim back to me.. Kim is all I need right now." I yelled highly angered as I pushed her making her crash to the wall.

  "Dawson stop it, you know that's never possible.. Kim is already dead.. you need to move on with your life and stop hurting yourself.." she started pleading in tears.

  Her tears were already getting me emotional but my heart just won't dance to her tone.

  " is time to wake up from your delusion and accept the fact that Kim is dead stop acting like a weakling!" She said and my heart soften a bit it I smashed the mirror on the ground and she held my waste helping to a couch.

  "See how you hurt yourself now . " She took my wrist, scrutinizing it.

  "I am coming.." she stood up and left the room for a while then came back with a first aid kit.

  she sat beside me and started applying some treatment on it.

  While she was busy with my hand, Krystal walked into the room. "What's the fuss going on here mom and what just happened.."

  "Krystal it's your brother, he is becoming hyper again.." mom said with a sighed..

  Krystal leaned closer, peering into my wounded hands that is been fixed by mom.

  "Omg! Dawson!" She wore a sad expression on her face.

  "Don't worry he is okay now.." Mum withdrew from me after she was done and turned to face Krystal who still standing.

  "I wonder when he is ever going to stop? Do you think we can leave him in this condition Krystal?" Mum Asked and Kystal gave her that poppy eyes.

  "C'mon mom, we've stayed too long with him already and for sure we aren't gonna stay with him forever, I have a family waiting

  for me at home and you have a company you need to go back to, dad is already having a hard time running it alone.." Krystal rasped, calmly but mom was clearly worried.


  "Don't worry mum I have already gotten a way to help him out." She stoop down holding mom's hand.

  She went to my refrigerator and took some stuffs outta it then started missing something In a glass cup.

  She turned to me after a while holding a glass of milk, and slug towards me.

  "Here have it.. I think you need this right now.. it will help." She said tenderly as she stroke my hair backward.

  I really hate when she cuddle me like a kid.

  I just collected the glass of milk so as not to create a scandal and started sipping from it.

  "Don't worry mum I have already gotten a way to help him out."

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  Carla's pov

  Cladded in a dark colored skirt and sleeveless top, I stood before the mirror and packed my hair into two, I slipped my feet into a my sneakers and I was good to go.

  I arrived at sitting room and meant everyone eating.

  Everyone flinched as soon as they saw me.

  "Carla how come you woke up so early today??" Mum asked surprised as I went to join them at the dining.

  "C'mon mom you know I told you about the job I'll be checking on, do you seriously think I'll throw it away for any reason??"

  I was already mooching on my food.

  "That story of yours is becoming boring, you should change it. It's not about checking on the job is about you been able remain in the job." Mona Lisa , my kid sister snapped at me as she was riding on a chicken.

  This scoungbag keeps getting on my nerves...

  I didn't say a word until I was done eating.

  I took her plate of bulgogi

marinated beef barbecue

before heading out.

  "I guess you are eating too much maybe that's what is affecting your brains.."

  "Hey bring back my food.." she hurls from behind but that didn't stop me,

  I threw the food over the fence

  When I got to where my scooter was.

  I opened my backpack and brought out jimmy - my puppy.

  In for some intro?

  Well I'm Carla Clarke, from an average family.

  Folks calls me the


  well you won't blame them cause I actually acts like a boy, I am short tempered, reasons I lost 10 jobs in a roll.



  I was driving like crazy and noisy when this furious driver crashed with my scooter, my puppy jumped out of its nest.

  "Jimmy!!" I screeched as I ran to where it laid it was bleeding and eventually passed out.

  I almost cried as I sat on the floor cuddling it.

  "Hey you miss.. are you seeking for a death wish?" I look up to see the person who had crashed with me standing before me as his car was behind him.

  I snorted and stood before him, dangerously angry ignoring the fact that he was looking dead charming.

  "So you are seriously asking me that after what you did to my poppy with this car of yours that looks like a rejected sacrifice??" I yelled and his facial expression twisted.

  "What?.." He was about talking when I cut him off.

  " you have to replace my puppy whether you like it or not or else.." I pursed.

  "Or else what?" He interrogated and I smirked.

  I tugged off my shoes.

  I walked towards his car

  drawing lines on the car with my bungle while he was just there staring.

  satisfied, I turned to face him angrily, I wanted to say a word but his looks on his face drove chills in my body.

  He stepped closer to me looking into my eyes as his breath fanned my nose.

  I froze for a while staring at his firebrick eyes.

  "You know what.. if I were You, I'll run away from someone like me.. don't let me set my eyes on you for the second time.. or else I'm not Dawson ." He whispered into my face.

  I gathered all the courage in the world and retorted.

  "To hell with you Dawson, you killed my puppy now we are even."

  I drove all the way to the company and the building was wow.. exactly how it looks like on the internet.

  ??: guys I even heard that his sister is setting up an opportunity to hire a girlfriend for him because rumors have it that he is a gay.." I heard from one of the girls, while I stood in the elevator.

  ??: What!! But how can a gay have so many girlfriends before, for all I know, he is a flirt.."

  ??: That was before when he uses and dumb girls like piece of trash, the recent death of his serious girlfriend made him developed hatred for girls and hence forth he became a gay.." they were all talking and talking.

  "Instead of being slaves to rumors without getting paid, why don't you guys just start up an open News broadcasting center , you'll make money from that a lot.." I chipped in and they all stopped as they shot me a glare.

  But that didn't affect me one bit.

  Well one more thing about me, I'm a trouble maker, I just can't stop making trouble it's in my blood.

  The elevator came to a halt and they all started rushing out.

  each time I tried walking out, they kept pushing me aside.

  they wanted to do for the fifth time so I gave one a memorable body weight making her summersaulted on the floor.

  I walked out flinging my bag happily and swinging my butt

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